Save Water

March 18, 2009


22 March is a ‘World Water Day’. 

Water is scarce -Lets take a pledge to save water!

Download & watch this informative presenatation:

To buy beautiful designer posters on ‘Save Water’, you may contact at:


Organize your notice boards

October 19, 2008

5S, as we all know, is an excellent way to create an organized workplace that helps in improving quality, safety and efficiency at workplace.

For various internal communications, we all use notices put up on notice boards installed at our workplaces. However, we often observe that once put-up these notices are not very well maintained most of the time.  You will see that notices remain on the board even after their purpose is over. Sometimes they are not properly aligned with the edges of the board and sometimes they gather dust and are torn with time. This makes the workplace look unpleasant and untidy.

Sometime back, I came across very good guidelines on maintaining notice boards in a book on 5S by a Japanese author,  Takashi Osada. He has suggested the following guidelines:

1. designate specific places for notice boards

2. Assign responsibility for the management of a notice board to an individual.

3. indicate the validity of each notice and remove it after the expiry.

4. Align posters, notices at the top. Preferably have them of standardized sizes. 

Enjoy the new look of notices!!


Hello world!

July 19, 2008

I am starting my blog today. I intend sharing my experiences related to my consulting experiences on quality, environment, safety and other management system aspects of organizations. I look forward to have comments from my friends in the industry and from all those who are passionate with concept of quality and excellence in whatever we do.

The intention is to share knowledge on this subject and to make a difference in the way we all work and operate in our organizations. I firmly believe that when we deliver quality, it not only satisfies our customers and hence improves our business effectiveness, but it also imparts an internal satisfaction to us and makes us happier.

Quality is giving something special beyond what is expected. And as we have all learnt in our Indian religion, giving imparts happiness. So, let us start delivering quality & be happy!

